Gentleman's Stocking, 1885
Gentleman's Stocking, 1885
Knitted in Scotch Plaid Pattern
Weldon's Practical Stocking Knitter, 1885
Plaid pattern is shown as a chart rather than the original lines of text.
Required, Scotch fingering wool of the best quality, 6 oz. of dark blue and 4 oz. of light grey, or blue and brown may be used, or grey with white, according to taste. Four steel knitting needles, No 14. (Modern US size 0)
Cast on with blue wool, 40 stitches on each of three needles, 120 stitches in all. Work in ribbing, 2 stitches plain and 2 stitches purl for 4 rounds.
5th round: Take the grey wool and work the same. Repeat these five rounds six times, or til you have done 7 grey lines; then do 4 more rounds with blue; and this completes the ribbing.Now commence the pattern, beginning of course on the first needle; the stitch is plain throughout. Work pattern according to chart making white squares blue and black squares grey wool.
Repeat from the first pattern round until four whole patterns are accomplished; and also go on to do 4 rounds of the fifth pattern. In the 5th round of the fifth pattern, and also in the 12th and 19th rounds, decrease by knitting together the third and fourth stitches on the first needle and the third and second stitches from the end of the third needle; and as you decrease of course allow in succeeding rounds by omitting as necessary a few stitches of the pattern each side the seam stitch (the first stitch on the first needle), keep the two slanting stitches always in their right position and no mistake can occur. Decrease similarily in the 5th, 12th, and 19th rounds of each of the three next repitions of the pattern. And now you will have eight patterns knitted, 176 rounds, and the plaid pattern comes in evenly with 96 stitches in the round; work the length of two more patterns on the 96 stitches for the ankle, whick makes 10 diamonds in all for the length of the leg.
For the Heel, which is knitted entirely with blue wool--After completion of the last round of the pattern, knit with black wool 24 stitches off the first needle, slip the remaiing 4 stitches on to the second needle, and turn the work, slip the first stitch and purl 46 stitches, slip 20 stitches from the second needle on to the third needle which now has only 5 stitches upon it; you now have 49 stitches divided upon two needles for the instep, and 47 stitches all on one needle for the heel. Work a plain row and a purl rowforewards and backwards on the 47 heel stitches for 40 rows.
To Turn the Heel--Slip the first stitch, knit 25, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over, knit 1; turn, slip the first stitch, purl 6, purl 2 together, purl 1; turn, slip 1, knit 7, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over, knit 1; turn, slip 1 purl 8, purl 2 together, purl 1; tuern, slip 1 knit 9, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over, knit 1; turn, slip 1, purl 10, purl 2 together, purl 1, and continue thus widening the center and taking in the stitches each side, till all the side stitches are knitted in, and you get 27 stitches on the needle for the top of the heel, the last row being a purled row, and break off the wool.
For the Gussets--Pick up on one needle, and knit 26 stitches (alternately 1 stitch blue and 1 stitch grey)along the right-hand side of the heel flap, and on the same needle knit also 13stitches off the top of the heel; on a second needle knit (always 1 stitch blue and 1 stitch grey alternately) the remaining 14 stitches off the top of the heel,and pick up and knit 26 stitches along the opposite of the flap; on the third needle knit along the 49 instep stitches in pattern.
For the Foot--Work alternately 1 stitch with blue and one stitch with grey on the two footneedles, the stitch that is blue in one round to be grey in the next, decrease for the gussets every alternate round till reduced to 47 stitches on the two foot needles, and always knit the 49 instep stitches in pattern; continue till three whole patterns are done on the instep which makes the length required for the foot; or if for a tall man, and required longer, knit 4 or 5 rounds all plain with blue.
Then begin the Toe--which is all plain knitting with blue wool. Knit 5 plain rounds on the full complient of stitches, 96 stitches.
6th round--Knit 6, knit 2 together, and repeat the same all round. Knit 6 rounds plain on 84 stitches.
13th round--Knit 5, knit 2 together, and repeat the same. Knit 6 rounds plain on 72 stitches.
20th round--Knit 4, knit 2 together, and repeat. Knit 5 rounds plain on 60 stitches.
26th round--Knit 3, knit 2 together, and repeat. Knit 5 rounds plain on 48 stitches.
32nd round--Knit 2, knit 2 together, and repeat. Knit 4 rounds plain on 36 stitches.
40th round--Knit 2 together all round. Now 12 stitches on; break off the wool and threading the end in a darning needle, run the wool through the stitches and sew them up neatly.