Some Sort of Anniversary, I Suppose
Apparently this blog has been here in some form or other since November 23, 2005.
Yeah, you're all just as thrilled as I am.
So in the random vein of this blog I offer a few random items from The Dorcas Magazine, 1885.
These dubious images are from an embroidered doily set called "The Hilarious Chicken," most of which seem to illustrate the abuse of an innocent fowl and his decent into alcoholism. I find this to be a different definition of "hilarious" than I am accustomed to.
This next snippet is a quite shocking bit of pornography, and it must be the first time any woman in a ladies handiwork magazine entreated a man to take articles out of his trousers and rub them. I've never heard of a lady's naughty bits being called a "corner" but I'm open-minded.I'm also impressed that her husband is prompt and "well-regulated."