Patterny Things
Ahhh, my MagKnits pattern is up. Go knit some long-ass gloves whydoncha, except make yours look better than mine.
No posts recently because of a crochet jewelry project deadline for Lark Books. Since I spent the last couple weeks being the Magnificent Snot Factory, guzzling Nyquil is not conducive to crocheting things in itty-bitty black thread so I've been crocheting (and frogging things) like a mofo. On top of that I think I need bifocals. Then there's the two design deadlines due on the same friggin' day as the crochet project.
Why did I think I wanted to be a designer? Huh? Am I a closet masochist or something?
Or am I just a really cruel person who thinks this is a way to make more of you guys suffer? That must be it.