One Last Word From Mr. Ray
Two more specimens from Mr. Ray's Brushing Secrets.
The Bell Page 'do makes me think of a white-trash Princess Leia. You could hide a pretty big pair of headphones under there and no-one would ever suspect. Perfect for dull lectures and for catching up on the game during church. There's also quite a bit of storage capacity in the topknot as well for snacks and a magazine or two.
On the other hand, I feel a bit threatened by the agressively gum-chewing chick sporting Temptation. She looks like she'd stab you in the ribs with her rattail comb in the alley behind the bowling alley, just for looking at her man.
In his fabuloso book, Mr. Ray makes the dubious claim that if you use his special Three-Minute Orbit Cut you can create over 22,000 hairstyles, all of which are guaranteed to make you look like the Talosians from that Star Trek episode "The Menagerie," but without the throbbing veins. I'm sure Mr. Ray could have that rectified in his salon.