Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Current Project

Current crocheting project from J & P Coats Yokes and Gifts (c)1919. The thread is vintage ecru "Bucilla Mercerized Crochet or Tatting Cotton" from about the same period. There was a little advertisement stuck in the center of the ball with a form to order other Bucilla crocheting books from around 1915 and I hunted the books down on eBay. I've been furiously crocheting & unravelling this for the past two months and should be done in say, three years. Photo shows progress as of yesterday plus gauge of stitches. Kill me now.
The brownish streaks in the thread usually come out when soaked in Oxy-Clean. Cotton is pretty tough and since most of my vintage undies were probably boiled on the stove in lye soap they can withstand me wearing them occasionally. Posted by Picasa